One Direction (minus Zayn Malik) was here in Manila for a 2-night soldout concert held last weekends, March 21 and 22, at the Mall of Asia Open Grounds. They're now in Jakarta, Indonesia still as part of their 'On The Road Again' concert tour.
The concert is over, they already left, but a minor controversy has been left here by the group due to its member Liam Payne covering Zayn Malik's face in a group picture.

The photo was shared on Facebook just this afternoon by the record label Ivory Music. According to the description, they awarded One Direction while they were here with a multi-platinum plaque for their albums 'Up All Night', 'Take Me Home', 'Midnight Memories', 'Four' and 'Up All Night - The Live Tour' (DVD), which all achieved Platinum Status in the Philippines (13X Platinum combined).
And the fans were quick to notice in the group shot what Liam Payne did to Zayn Malik's face: he covered it with his hand. It looked intentional, and Liam was just being playful, but it kinda divided some 1D fans, whether it was appropriate or not.
Some fans thought it was kinda disrespectful for Liam to do that to Zayn, who wasn't with them for the Manila concert following the alleged cheating scandal, since the latter is also part of the album achievement, whether he's present or not during the awarding.
Other fans however defended Liam. According to them, he covered Zian's face 'coz One Direction isn't One Direction without Zayn.
If that's what Liam was really trying to tell everyone, why did he cover Zian's face and not the group's name ONE DIRECTION on the poster?
What do you guys think about this? I actually laughed after seeing the picture. - By Myk @ MyKiRu IsYuSeRo