The Catholic Church affirmed Marian appearances and messages, and yet Fatima ad its messages are no longer much talked about these days, even by Catholics. Mother Mary prophesied the end of World War I that was raging then, then the coming of World War II, and conveyed many truths forgotten or dismissed today. That there is hell for unrepentant sinners who'd suffer for eternity. That God is much offended by sin, from immorality and inhumanity to the disregard of His existence and edicts.
The Fatima Crusader Phils. Inc. celebrates the feast of the Holy Rosary to remind us that the Marian appearance in Fatima is the greatest supernatural event of the past century acknowledged by the Vatican. Sadly, all the messages of Our Lady Fatima were ignored that Pope St. John Paul II lamented in 1982: "The world has gone in the opposite direction than the one intended by Our Lady of Fatima". In other words, man went astray so we're now facing so many problems. So let's mend our ways, seek forgiveness in penance, pray the rosary everyday for grace and protection in coming tribulations. For more info, email
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