Sunday, 30 October 2016

Women! These Symptoms Are Not To Be Taken Lightly! If You Have One Of These, It Is Recommended You See The Doctor Immediately!

Women! These Symptoms Are Not To Be Taken Lightly! If You Have One Of These, It Is Recommended You See The Doctor Immediately!

During the teenage years, women experience many changes in their body that may be difficult to understand without the supervision of an adult. 

It is important to know that there are many diseases out there that can affect women as young as 18 all the way to 44 years of age.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder wherein a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with their periods and make it difficult to get pregnant

PCOS also may cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it isn’t treated, it can lead to serious health problems over time, such as diabetes and heart disease.

The main factor that develops PCOS is still unclear for scientists, however, genetics may be a factor for this disorder. 

This syndrome can be passed down from families who have members with irregular periods or diabetes. It can be passed down from the mother’s or father’s side.

Symptoms tend to be mild at first. You may only have a few symptoms or you might be experiencing a lot of them. The most common symptoms are: acne, weight gain, trouble losing weight, extra hair on the face and body, thicker and darker facial hair, more hair on the chest, belly, and back, thinning hair on the scalp, irregular periods, very heavy bleeding, fertility problems, and depression.

Source: TNP , Peanutdaily

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Pinoy actor LEO CONSUL in an Indonesian sinetron "CINTA YANG TERTUKAR"

Leo Consul went to Indonesia in 2014 as an English teacher but his singing talent was soon immediately discovered, which led him to explore the possibilities of the Indonesian entertainment industry. He was soon hired as a host for the Indonesian version of the Pinoy noontime show Eat Bulaga for a year, after which he left to try to enlarge his footprint in the industry. After a few more TV shows, he finally landed the leading role in an Indonesian sinetron (telenovela), Cinta Yang Tertukar, with his rumored lover, Indonesian actress Yuki Kato. It is still shown at the Indonesian channel SCTV.

He sings the theme song below, upper video.

iBilib October 30 2016

iBilib October 30 2016

watch ibilib pinoy tv
iBilib October 30 2016 Full Episode Replay

SHOW DESCRIPTION: iBILIB is a Filipino weekly infotainment show produced by GMA Network and hosted by Chris Tiu with the dynamic duo Moymoy Palaboy. The show features scientific experiments and explores different scientific facts and theories surrounding everyday events presented in magical manner as seen on Japan's popular science show Wonders of Horus. The show premiered January 29, 2012 on GMA Network. The second season of the show is now called "Is It Possible" featuring things & experiments that are impossible to do. The show also features some cosplay pictures by different cosplayers by sending them via email or on their Facebook page.

Source: Wikipedia





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(Trailer) THE UNMARRIED WIFE - Angelica Panganiban, Dingdong Dantes and Paulo Avelino

(Trailer) THE UNMARRIED WIFE - Angelica Panganiban, Dingdong Dantes and Paulo Avelino

This is not just a story of a marriage.....

Nor a story of an affair.

This is a story of a woman thorn between holding on and letting go.

What does it takes to forgive the one who hurt you over and over again?

How does a married woman becomes an unmarried wife?

Watch the full trailer of Star Cinema's latest offering entitled THE UNMARRIED WIFE starring Angelica Panganiban, Dingdong Dantes and Paulo Avelino.

Watch the trailer below:

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Watch: The Unmarried Wife movie full trailer starring Dingdong Dantes, Paulo Avelino, and Angelica Panganiban

Watch: The Unmarried Wife movie full trailer starring Dingdong Dantes, Paulo Avelino, and Angelica Panganiban

Watch: The Unmarried Wife movie full trailer starring Dingdong Dantes, Paulo Avelino, and Angelica Panganiban

Star Cinema has released the full trailer of their latest movie The Unmarried Wife which reunites Dingdong Dantes and Angelica Panganiban after working together in the 2012 movie One More Try

In the trailer, Geoff (Dantes) and Anne (Panganiban) are happily married couple until she discovers her husband is cheating on her.  She then finds and meet Bryan (Avelino) whom she falls in love with, leading to even more confusion for her.

The Unmarried Wife isn't just a story of a marriage. It's not just a story of an affair. The movie is a story of  a woman torn between a "holding on" and "letting go".

What will it take to forgive the one who hurts you over and over again?

The movie also stars Irma Adlawan, Marina Benipayo, Justin Cuyugan, and Dimples Romana,

Under the direction of Maryo J. De Los Reyes, the movie aims to incite discussion among Filipinos about divorce, adultery, and other similar taboo topics.

"The Unmarried Wife" opens in cinemas nationwide on November 16.

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Sambuhay TV Mass October 30 2016

Sambuhay TV Mass October 30 2016

sambuhay tv mass pinoy tambayan
Sambuhay TV Mass October 30 2016 Full Mass Replay
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

SHOW DESCRIPTION: Sambuhay TV Mass is an telebroadcasted mass produced by People's Television Network. It has a youtube channel which you can watch their weekly mass replay. Most of their viewers are catholic Filipinos from different part of the world.

Source: Wikipedia


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