Do you known that the Philippines is the 5th most mineral-rich country on earth for gold, copper, nickel and chromite and we have the largest gold-copper deposit in the world? Foreigners are allowed to own mining assets in our country and yet they pay only a very low 2% for what they get. The mining companies may make all the protest they want against Gina Lopez's move to close the mines, but the visual images of the way they wantonly destroy our natural resources will negate whatever they say.
If you're a Filipino who really cares for our country, the pictures of our wasted mountains and mining spills on rivers and coastal areas speak more than a thousand words to show that the mining companies have failed to provide the right measures to prevent the resulting damages from their operations.
No wonder that ordinary people show their support for Ms. Lopez in social media, supporting her quixotic fight against wanton environmental carnage against the mining companies that bully her and gang up on her. She really has the balls to face the greedy mining companies and the conscienceless politicians on their payroll who back them up head on. We're glad Pres. Duterte is backing her up because the government has been negligent about this for a long time now. As she herself declares: "The quality of life of our people is non-negotiable." Right on, Ms. Gina, we the people rally right behind you!
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