Monday, 17 October 2016

The US Bombed Yemen But No One Is Talking About It! SHOCKING!

The US Bombed Yemen But No One Is Talking About It! SHOCKING!

An opinion article by a certain Moustafa Bayoumi published in The Guardian has stirred opinions in social media lately. According to the article, while all eyes are on the upcoming US election, a US Navy destroyer fired a barrage of cruise missiles at three radar sites controlled by the rebel Houthi movement in Yemen. This was the first time that US fought the rebels directly in Yemen’s devastating civil war.

Though the US has launched strikes on al-Qaeda targets in Yemen for several years, this might involve killing of civilians. Unfortunately,  this incident was haven’t been discussed by the running US Presidential candidates.

Moreover, an investigation into this incident also only be justified as retaliation by the Pentagon. Prior to the bombing, last Saturday, October 8, a 500lb laser-guided US-made bomb was dropped on a funeral procession by the US-sponsored Saudi-led coalition which killed more than 140 people, mostly civilians, and 525 people left hurt. “An apparent war crime” as described by the Human Rights advocates.

National Security Council spokesman Ned Price stated that “in light of this and other recent incidents, we … are prepared to adjust our support so as to better align [the Saudi-led coalition] with US principles, values and interests, including achieving an immediate and durable end to Yemen’s tragic conflict”. All this happening can explain this statement.  

The Guardian article concluded that Instead of focusing on how leader speaks in front of the people,  citizens should choose a leader that can stand firm on his feet and bear responsibilities for 

The US Bombed Yemen But No One Is Talking About It

Source: TNP , TheGuardian

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Gerald Anderson surprises Bea Alonzo on her 29th birthday

Gerald Anderson surprises Bea Alonzo on her 29th birthday

Gerald Anderson surprises Bea Alonzo on her 29th birthday

Bea Alonzo just turned 29 today, October 17.

The actress and her rumored boyfriend Gerald Anderson were spotted having dinner with friends and Gerald's family at a restaurant in BGC in Taguig City last night.

A photo posted by BEA ALONZO & GERALD ANDERSON (@bearald.universe) on

When the clock striked 12, the group surprised the actress with birthday greetings and a song.

A video posted by BEA ALONZO & GERALD ANDERSON (@bearald.universe) on

Happy birthday, Bea! Your birthday is #Babetime, too.

Read more @ Pinoy Showbiz Daily
Billy Crawford and Ryan Bang kiss on the lips: Has MTRCB allowed such scene on live noontime TV?

Billy Crawford and Ryan Bang kiss on the lips: Has MTRCB allowed such scene on live noontime TV?

Fans are beginning to worry about the kiss that happened between Billy Crawford and Ryan Bang on It's Showtime earlier, if it's really allowed to be seen on live noontime TV under MTRCB rules.

It's Magpasikat 2016 edition on Showtime this week, and the group of Billy Crawford and Ryan Bang were first to perform.

In a comedy skit, Ryan had to put lipstick on Billy and he did it by kissing him (MOMOL level!) to the shock of the live audience, the viewers and even Billy himself, who apparently didn't know Ryan was gonna do it to him. He admitted later, after their performance, that he didn't expect it to happen.

It was an entertaining and amusing presentation, but some fans are now worried that the Movies and Television Review and Classification or MTRCB might take action against Showtime for allowing such scene. I saw them tweeting about it.

Did they really violate any MTRCB rules?

For Senator Sonny Angara, it was perhaps just fine. He was one of the judges and even jokingly wished to see them doin' it again.

What do you think of the Billy-Ryan kiss?

Read more @ MyKiRu IsYuSeRo
Cabin Fever Movie Review: A Horror Flick For Those Who Love Gore And Grossness

Cabin Fever Movie Review: A Horror Flick For Those Who Love Gore And Grossness

'CABIN FEVER' is a remake of a 2002 sleeper hit horror flick, the directorial debut of Eli Roth who made a reputation for being a hit horror film writer-producer-director who also did the blockbuster "Hostel" and its sequel. "Cabin Fever" was made on a very cheap budget of only $1.5 million and went on to earn $35 million. It has also achieved some kind of a cult status since then.

The remake is now directed by Travis Zariwny, who directed "Midnight Man", "Scavengers" and "Intruder", with Eli Roth as the executive producer now. The story remains the same, with a group of five college friends renting a remote and isolated cabin in the woods for a week's vacation. It starts with a man who chances upon a dead dog in the woods. He pokes it, its blood gets squirted on him and this infects him, destroying his skin in such a dismal way that no beauty products could possibly remedy.

The five friends are played by new actors: Gage Golightly (from the Nickelodeon series "The Troop"), Dustin Ingram (from "Paranormal Activity 3), Nadine Crocker (from the TV series "No Ordinary Family"), Matthew Daddario ("Delivery Man", "When the Game Stands Tall"), and Samuel Davis ("A Close Divide" and "New Hope").

They go to the cabin to chill out, smoke pot and have plenty of wild sex, but this doesn't last very long. Soon, one of the girls suffers from rotting boils and this puts all of them in panic mode. They have to figure out where the dreadful infection originated and how they can defend themselves from the flesh-eating organism. They end up paying for their shenanigans with their own lives.

The new director makes a few tweaks to the material for a bit of innovation. For instance, a male deputy officer in the first movie is now a woman. Of course, you can expect the deaths of the characters in the new version to be made even more cruel and violent.

Although the flesh-destroying virus is still spread by water, the ingenious new deaths offers some fresh new spin on the material, sort of. A great edge of "Cabin Fever" is its very simplistic script and story setup so that the actual payoff is somewhat more compelling that what you may have expected.
The young cast does a great job of being tormented and dying on cam, with each one of them given his or her own moment of suffering. If you enjoy and cherish watching gore and how these five people disintegrate on screen in the course of an hour and a half, then there's no doubt that "Cabin Fever" is the movie you have long been waiting for.

No doubt its quirkiness and grossness will thrill you, but also, each character is different and somehow, you make a connection with them and do come to care about them even before the carnage begins. "Cabin Fever" is showing in theaters starting tomorrow, released by Viva International Pictures.
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Meet Anthony Diaz V And Fall For A New Kind Of Screen Hero In “Break”

Meet Anthony Diaz V And Fall For A New Kind Of Screen Hero In “Break”

Who would have imagined how far a China-made digital 4MB SD card palm camera could take a young dreamer's film making dreams? In the case of Filipino-American actor-director-producer Anthony Diaz V, it is quite far indeed. "When I was a kid, my family had movie night every Friday," Anthony recalls. "After every film, I would ask my parents, 'What motivated the characters' actions?'"

That sort of set Anthony off on an early film education with his father encouraging his then ten-year-old son to lap up with glee movies like "The Godfather," "Taxi Driver," "Reservoir Dogs," "Pulp Fiction," "El Mariachi," "The Shawshank Redemption," the list goes on. These are films that Anthony admits "many kids my age at the time wouldn't be interested in."

He was, in a manner of speaking, a normal kid whose growing love for films made him a misfit. Before he was 20, the brawny Anthony Diaz has completed dozens of short films. The independent film making spirit has been evident early on with Anthony multitasking, taking on screen writing, directing, producing, acting, and editing duties. By the time he reached 20, he has already graduated with high honors at the University of Las Vegas Film School (UNLV), making him the youngest graduate in the history of the program.

Anthony has received acclaim for the early short films he made like "Delusion" and "Forgotten Heroes." In 2012, he put up a film production company called Kaizen Studios in Las Vegas, USA. The following year, he established a satellite of Kaizen Studios in Shibuya, Japan.

Japan is close to Anthony's heart, having been a frequent visitor to the land of sashimis, cherry blossoms, and top-tier car brands since he was 8. Little wonder then that when he embarked on his first full length feature, Anthony chose to make "Break."

"Break" can be described in many ways depending on how the viewer sees it but at its core, it is a story about alienation and angst as a young Japanese-American lad is thrown into the underworld while he deals with personal issues as an outsider trying to fit into Japanese society.
It is, in a way, a throwback to Anthony's childhood when he was watching movies that wouldn't strike a chord with children his age. He was like a misfit then, as his character in "Break" is. There is a need to find his place in an environment that isn't very welcoming. Then he loses the girl he loves and the downward spiral begins.

On screen and in photos, Anthony Diaz strikes you as a kind of millennial James Dean, but this time a rebel with a cause, and with a more relatable Liam Neeson-ish vibe. In the movie "Break," he even does breakdancing in one scene. Clearly, Anthony is the new kind of screen hero who has a good head to match the well-toned physique. And somehow you sense that there is a tenderness that lies beneath the swagger and the action star gait.

But Anthony assures that the similarities between him and his movie character end there. "The movie is not autobiographical at all," he points out. "Break," according to him, "was actually inspired from a short film I made when I was 17 years old called 'Lunch Break' which I shot with my high school friends in Vegas. The premise of the story is similar, but I expanded the universe and characters against the backdrop of Japan."

Why should Pinoy audiences not miss "Break?" "This film is really unique as it blends American storytelling with Japanese cinema infused with hip-hop. It's the first time to my knowledge that a film has simultaneous English and Japanese language throughout the movie with supporting subtitles. But most importantly, the overall theme is of a foreigner trying desperately to fit in. It is what most of us have experienced in some form or another."

"Break" has had a private screening in Japan last April and its second stop is the Philippines before it heads off to Sundance. To find out more about "Break," go to or visit the Kaizen Studios FB page
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Marco Gallo: Somebody's Il Bambino

Marco Gallo: Somebody's Il Bambino

This post is sort of a force majeure. My gay professor friend was beside himself, he cried he might not be seeing the twink Marco Gallo's face again, his bambino. He was allegedly booted out by the "uglies & wa K". I don't have coverage of  Pinoy Big Brother ever since my teenage assistant enrolled in college so I was totally ignorant of the going-ons there, but here I had my otherwise "respectable" friend imploring me to feature his bambino. I couldn't refuse, could I?

Oh, the kid has the makings of a matinee idol, I bet we'll see lots of him yet. So, the fans better relax...


Gerphil Flores does "Dust in the Wind"

I was planning to post another when I opened one of the emails that clutttered my inbox and clicked the link sent by a friend. Do you remember the Pinay soprano singer who stole the limelight of the one & only (so far) Asia's Got Talent last year? She's got this beautiful interpretation of a classic song.

TV5's 'Wattpad Presents' Wins Best Youth-Oriented Program At The Alta Media Awards

TV5's 'Wattpad Presents' Wins Best Youth-Oriented Program At The Alta Media Awards

'WATTPAD PRESENTS' is one of TV5's successful homegrown shows that features original romantic stories and also became a venue for their regular talents. It gained its own loyal followers and among the featured stories in it are "That Girl", "A House Full of Hunks", "Almost a Cinderella Story", "Avah Maldita", and many more. You can still watch its past episodes on the net.

Now, "Wattpad Presents" has just been honored by the ALTA Media Icon Awards where it won as Best Youth-Oriented Program. ALTA is an award-giving body for excellence in Print, Broadcast, Film, Recording and Social Media given out by the University of Perpetual Help. Present during the awarding ceremony was TV5's Head of Current Programming, Ms. JoAnn Banaga, who is shown in this photo receiving the award herself along with the ALTA Awards organizers. Congratulations!
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Heilymar Rosario from Puerto Rico is Miss Intercontinental 2016

Heilymar Rosario from Puerto Rico is Miss Intercontinental 2016

Heilymar Rosario from Puerto Rico was crowned Miss Intercontinental 2016 in the coronation night held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on Sunday. She bested other gorgeous contestants from all over the world, including the Philippine representative Jennifer Hammond who only made it as far as the Top 15.
Miss Intercontinental 2016 Heilymar Rosario
Only one contestant from each continent was chosen to be part of the Top 5. Miss Sri Lanka was chosen for Asia, Miss Puerto Rico for North America, Miss Venezuela for South America, Miss Italy for Europe, and Miss Ghana for Africa.

Tracy Zilva of Sri Lanka was named first runner-up; Silvia Commodore of Ghana was second runner-up; Floriana Russo of Italy won third runner-up; and Amal Karina Nemer of Venezuela was the fourth runner-up.
Meanwhile, joining Hammond in the Top 15 were contestants from Costa Rica, Colombia, Seychelles, Thailand, China, Czech Republic, Scotland, Poland and Ukraine.
Rosario suceeded Miss Intercontinental 2015 Valentina Rasulova of Russia.

Read more @ The Ultimate Fan
Star Magic Ball 2016: 16 Kapamilya Young Stars You See Fire Up the Red Carpet

Star Magic Ball 2016: 16 Kapamilya Young Stars You See Fire Up the Red Carpet

Every year, fresh and talented young stars rise to the top of the competitive world of show business. These young actors and actresses do their best to make a mark in the industry at their young age. Whether they're rookies or indie talents, whether they've experienced awards night or are just starting to make baby steps into the limelight, these are the youth that you should keep an eye on!

We've selected trending young stars who are set to fire up the red carpet at this year's Star Magic Ball.

 Michelle Vito

 Maris Racal

 Julia Barretto

 Janella Salvador

Jane Oineza and Jerome Ponce

 Bailey Mae and Ylona Garcia

 Joshua Garcia and Loisa Andalio

 Nash Aguas and Alexa Ilacad

Enrique Gil and Liza Soberano

 Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo

Read more @ ShowbizNest
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