Friday, 11 August 2017

Ex-lovers Tommy Esguerra and Miho Nishida together again!

Ex-lovers Tommy Esguerra and Miho Nishida together again!

At least as co-stars in the hit primetime TV series 'La Luna Sangre'

Many were surprised last night when Tommy Esguerra was shown 'La Luna Sangre' as one of its newest cast members, reuniting with his ex-girlfriend Miho Nishida, who has been playing the role of a vampire (with bangs) in the KathNiel series for quite a while now.

And the two exes were even shown acting together (but with no speaking lines) in some scenes with "Supremo" Richard Gutierrez, Sam Pinto, Myrtle Sarrosa, Francis Magundanao and many other vamps.

There's even this scene where Miho and Tommy, both in solo camera shots, giving a meaningful smile. (It was as if they're smiling at each other, but of course, it wasn't the case.).

And there's also another scene where Miho giving an intense look (with Young JV Kapunan in the background) and same with Tommy, but not directed towards each other.

What a meaningful shots, isn't it? (Miho is now being romantically linked with Young JV).

Shall we expect a romantic sub-plot for these three in 'La Luna Sangre'? Is Tomiho loveteam gonna be revived?

Aside from Tommy, also shown last night as newest addition to the cast was Cristine Reyes' husband Ali Khatibi. -
Read more @ MyKiRu IsYuSeRo
Respeto Movie Review: Very Dark Story Of A Young Man Trapped In A Hellish Place Where There Is No Redemption

Respeto Movie Review: Very Dark Story Of A Young Man Trapped In A Hellish Place Where There Is No Redemption

RESPETO could have been the story of the usual underdog kid who is befriended and gets trained by an older mentor, just like in the "Karate Kid" movies or, Yoda and Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars", or Sean Connery and Rob Brown in "Finding Forrester". But no, it chooses to be different and everyone ends up still a loser.

Set in a shantytown in Pandacan that is being threatened with demolition, the story is about a young man, Hendrix (rapper Abra, whose full name is Raymond Abracosa). He was orphaned at an early age and lives with his loser of a sluttish sister and her drug-trafficking partner, Mando, who, in turn, makes Hendrix a drug dealer himself.

Hendrix is a would be rapper who wants to join the underground rap contest in their neighborhood. The first time he joins, he uses the money of Mando from drug dealing and ends up losing when his opponent, a fat woman, scares him so much he ends pissing on his pants, making him the butt of everyone's jokes.

To pay back Mando, he and his friends try to rob the second hand book store of an old man, Doc (Dido de la Paz), who is being pressured by his cop son (Nor Domingo) to sell their old house. They get caught and the cops force them to help Doc do repairs on his damaged bookshop.

You know at once that this will be the start of the friendship between Hendrix and Doc, a former makata or poet who was tortured by soldiers during martial law, with his wife ruthlessly abused and raped. His wife later killed herself and memories of his brutal experiences would haunt him every now and then.

Hendrix finds Doc's poems and loves them. He tries to incorporate them into his rapping, but Doc discovers it and reprimands him for lacking originality. There's an attempt to compare rapping with the local verses in a Balagtasan with local makatas, but it didn't really go anywhere, just like the jabs on Duterte, Marcos' burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, and the current war on drugs.

If you'd think the film is anything like autobiographical white rapper Eminem's "8 Mile" or that big Hollywood hit about the real life gangsta rap group of Ice Cube and Dr. Dre, "Straight Outta Compton", who succeeded in leaving their miserable lives in Compton, California to become rich and famous rappers, you'd have another think coming. The characters here never succeed in escaping from impoverished Pandacan in triumph. Far from being inspirational, it's actually quite depressing as there is no redemption at all for the characters, with many of them, like Hendrix' relatives and friends, ending up as corpses, all victims of violence.

There is an attempt to give Hendrix a love interest when he gets enamoured with a slut in a whorehouse, but this, too, ends in disaster when he sees his rival rappers lining up in violating her. But the ending is quite logical, what with all the violence and injustice surrounding him, how else would you expect Hendrix to react? The film is resolved in a very violent scene where you realize that the place where they live is really hell on earth where there is no salvation for the inhabitants who are trapped and lead dead end lives.

If you love films that carry such valid but very dark messages, then "Respeto" is for you. It's the full length film debut of music video director Alberto "Treb" Monteras and it has good technical credits, particularly the beautifully textured cinematography that captures the grit and sordidness of its dark milieu, plus competent acting from hip-hop artist Abra, Dido de la Paz, and all the supporting players led by Chai Fonacier and Sylvester as Abra's friends, including the rappers featured who are all the opposite of good looking. This makes Abra stand out as the only rapper who's fairly handsome. We find "Respeto" quite uneven, but still, it's much better compared to the other entries in this year's disappointing harvest in the Cinemalaya (where there are so many directors na hindi marunong magdirek you'd wonder what happened to the screening committee who gave the green light to their projects).
Read more @ Showbiz Portal
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