QUEZON CITY is considered as the most gay friendly city in the country as they have the Quezon City Pride Council (QCPC) that oversees the integration of all city programs and projects for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgenders) community. The first in the country, this was created by Mayor Herbert Bautista to show his administration's support for the implementation of human rights and gender-based policies without bias or prejudice.
They now have an ordinance calling for a comprehensive anti-discrimination policy on sexual orientation and gender identity. Councilor Mayen Juico of the first district authored this Gender Fair ordinance with EJ Ulanday as chief action office of the Gay Pride Council. They have a coming big project on hand, the Gay Pride March to be held on December 9, Saturday, 3 PM, starting at Morato Avenue. Sure to join the parade is Mr. Gay World winner last March, John Raspado.

magpa-participate to do production numbers sa gabi ng Gay Pride March. Bawat barangay from the 6 districts of QC, may kanya-kanyang gay officer coordinating with us at magpapadala sila ng representatives nila sa march at sa entertainment show that follows. We're also inviting other gay communities in Metro-Manila, not just QC. May bonggang fashion show sa QC Wonderland, kaya join na kayo sa amin sa December 9 sa Morato Circle at sa parada around QC. If you want to join us, please register online at 2jb2Guh or visit our Facebook page at Facebook/qcpridemarch. Tapos, abangan nyo, in April, we will have naman our LGBT Pink International Filmfest and our Rainbow Awards for distinguished gays in the community."
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